Around August 2023, I started reading more about Radio Orienteering, also known as Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) and events that aren’t 2m fox hunts in cars. I went looking for simple/cheap/easy transmitters to hide and, finding none that fit my criteria, decided to make my own–Vulpes.
This page will bring together the software and hardware sides of the Vulpes controller.

Controller software
I’ll allow account creation for issues, etc. once I learn how to. Until then, see my About page for contact info.
Controller hardware
Prototype works but needs photos. Custom PCB works but needs photos. Case is designed and can be 3D-printed.

This isn’t a transmitter project. Maybe someday. For now, you can use this controller to easily key something like an NS-80+ or Cricket 80A.
See (not my site) for the design I hope to use. I have some PCBs but waiting for other parts to arrive. If anyone knows of a cheap place to get mix 31 ferrite beads the right size, I’m all ears. Built it! See the blog post.
How to Get
If this sounds like your jam, drop me a line and we can work something out. I’m not really in a position to sell kits/finished controllers right now, but would love to see the design tested. If you riff on the design and make something even better, I’d be excited to hear about it!
TODO: Add a list of parts and where I got them.
What a cool concept! The hardware and software designs couldn’t be much simpler, yet it offers some truly “high-end” features. One feature I especially like is the absence of unreliable configuration hardware, like DIP switches. The WiFi web server interface is cool and, I assume, works with almost any browser-equipped device.
Thanks Charles! You are right that the web interface will work with any wireless device with a browser. There are some quirks around how the RTC works that I don’t think can be coded around, but I *think* they are edge cases.