I will hopefully add more later about this project. See https://mostlydiyrf.com/p3st/. Note that the linked […]
flrig scripts to switch between radio modes in Windows 10
If you do enough different things with ham radio on Windows, eventually you’ll run into a conflict between programs that can talk to your radio via something like flrig–and those that want the whole COM port to themselves.
Here are some example scripts that switch between 1) a packet radio environment (that uses UZ7HO SoundModem and BPQ32) using direct COM port access, and 2) a “regular” environment, in this case aimed at 20m CW operation. You could set up a script for each of your favorite operating environments if you wanted to.
Brown Box Powered Speaker
I had a cheap audio amplifier from AliExpress, a few speakers pulled out of an […]
70 cm Moxon Antenna
Quick post to show this off. I needed a 70 cm antenna for packet radio […]
Homebrew Power Meter – Planning
Because I spend too much time polishing, these are my raw notes for now. If […]
RFI Mapper (RFIM) and IC-7300
Thanks to Eric N2EPE, I recently learned about W4DD’s neat program for radio frequency interference […]
Pixie with Digital VFO
Also called a “DDS VFO.” This may be a bit of a brain dump. Although […]
“Chinese Pixie” build and LPF LTspice model
I bought a few 40m “Chinese Pixie” (known as such because you can buy them […]
US Ham Radio License Counts Over Time
A recent blog post linked to from Mastodon expressed surprise at a downturn in total […]
The Story of Vulpes, a Radio Orienteering Controller
No better way to be “done” with something than to post it online, right? Astute […]